Awardees -2022

Congratulations to all the Awardees from Dayananda Sagar Business School, Bangalore!

We are happy and glad to inform you that we have constituted Guru Vishistha Award to recognize the exemplary contributions made by the Teachers in the field of Higher Education. The search cum selection committee has recognized your contributions in the field of Teaching, Research, Publications, and Contribution to Society, Student Development, and Institution Building.

We will be happy to associate with you and felicitate you in our forthcoming International Conference, tentatively scheduled for the month of December 2022. The exact date and schedule will be communicated to you soon. Once again, we congratulate you for winning this award and look forward to more contributions to society and academics in particular and contribution to nation building.

Thank you for your participation in making this event a grand success! Keep doing good work and contribute!

  • Dr. Sunil Goyal, Professor - Government College, Devi Ahilya University, Anjad, Madhya Pradesh
  • Dr.Lavkush Mishra, Professor, & Director, Dean -Institute of Tourism & Hotel Management, Dean, Faculty of Management Uttar Pradesh
  • Dr. Indrila Guha, Principal -Basanti Devi College, Kolkata, West Bengal
  • Dr S Anil Kumar, Principal -SSMRV College, Bangalore, Karnataka
  • Dr. Ansuman Samal, Associate Professor - Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan Deemed to be University, Bhubaneswar, Orissa
  • Dr. D. Kumaresan, Professor & Director - K.S.R. College of Arts & Science for Women, Tamil Nadu
  • Dr. Devinder Sharma, Professor - Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla , Himachal Pradesh
  • Dr. Suresh D.S, Director & Principal -Channabasaveshwara Institute of Technology, Gubbi ,Karnataka
  • Dr. Deepali Singhee, Principal (Professor) - JD Birla Institute Kolkata, West Bengal
  • Prof. Suman Roy, Assistant Professor- Sonapur College, Guwahati, Assam